Going back to school to earn a graduate degree is a big undertaking that shows drive and ambition. If you want to get your graduate student a gift that supports their professional and academic goals, check out our quick gift guide for students.
A tool to help them find their car keys on hectic mornings.
Many of our graduate students are juggling school, work and families — so it’s no wonder mornings can get a little hectic. Help them get out the door faster with a . It’s a small device that can help them find their car keys, wallet or phone when rushing out the door.
A reMarkable Tablet
´¡Ìý allows students to take handwritten notes and convert them into text! It makes it easier to share notes, keep yourself organized and stay on top of studying. It’s a great tool that they can use through graduate school and beyond.
Air Fryer
A speedy, no-hassle dinner is a must when you have classwork to do. An air fryer can help your graduate student make healthy at-home meals without having to preheat the oven or watch over the stove. Just add some frozen fish or fries and go work for twenty minutes until it’s done!
You can get  in a variety of colors and sizes. Choose a smaller air fryer for students who live alone and bigger models for those that are cooking for their families.
One-Year Subscription to their Favorite Service
For many, graduate school means cutting back on spending, including cancelling unnecessary subscriptions. Treat your graduate student to their favorite subscription, whether it’s ,Ìý,ÌýÌý´Ç°ùÌý.
You can even get a yearly subscription service for coffee or tea delivery.
Noise-Cancelling Headphones
Help them drown out the noise during study time. Whether they’re trying to drown out the noise of kids watching cartoons or their spouse making dinner, a good set of  can help them focus on their schoolwork and ace all of their assignments.
WCU provides career guidance and assistance but cannot guarantee employment. The views and opinions expressed are those of the individuals and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs or position of the school or of any instructor or student.